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Thursday, October 31, 2019

MGT3150 MANAGERIAL LEADERSHIP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

MGT3150 MANAGERIAL LEADERSHIP - Essay Example Furthermore, the study seeks to identify actual implementations of the said ethical policies to personnel of all levels. The methodology used was primary research through Lufthansa's official website, www.lufthansa-financials.com, as well as news articles involving the company. Secondary research on business ethics practices online and in school libraries were also conducted. During the course of the research, several limitations were encountered: direct interview with company officials and employees due to inaccessibility. Deutsche Lufthansa AG is a globally operating aviation group with around 400 companies and subsidiaries. It is active in five (until the end of 2006, six) business segments. Passenger Transportation is the Group's core business activity. Logistics, MRO, IT Services, Catering and Leisure Travel are further segments of the group. The Leisure Travel segment is due for disposal according to the supervisory board decision on 7 March 2007 and after approval of the competition commission.Annual average Group employee numbers were 93,541. The Group generated around EUR 19.8bn in revenue ("Portrait")." Lufthansa is a publicly traded company. As such, it is under the scrutiny of the German government. "It operates with the customary two-tier management system in Germany comprising an Executive and a Supervisory Board. The Executive Board is independently responsible for company management. The Supervisory Board appoints, supervises and advises the Executive Board ("Corporate Governance at Lufthansa")." This two-pronged approach checks and balances senior and junior managers. It encourages transparency in the workplace; effecting self-regulation by decentralizing power that could lead to collusions and unethical practices. Staff & Welfare In its quest to offer competitive remuneration, permanent jobs and attractive working conditions, the company has implemented a wide range of career-development measures such as trainings and an integrated study/work courses. "Each year Lufthansa invests around 300m in training measures for their employees. The Lufthansa Group offers over 40 different vocational courses with a technical, commercial or information technology focus. Another growing field is eLearning. Last year around 450 different learning programmes with a total of 1,762 teaching hours were in use at Lufthansa ("Employees")." Lufthansa employs people from all over the world, seeing opportunities in diversity. It provides in-house medical service for staff in handling health and safety issues. Governance Code International standards on Corporate Governance have been developed in recent years with primary focus on protecting the interests of the shareholders. The Corporate Governance Code was developed by the German Commission in February 2002 "to make the Corporate Governance System transparent and comprehensible. The code recommends clear and transparent presentation of a company and its business development, establishment of structures and processes which lead to proper and responsible management, administration and supervision. Such increases the trust of the investors and other providers of capital ("In General")." Since 2002 up to present, Lufthansa has been complying with the code in full, amending the Articles of Association to reflect relevant regulations. The

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Is edcuation a service industry Discuss and critically evauate the Essay

Is edcuation a service industry Discuss and critically evauate the role of the WTO in education - Essay Example Higher education is increasingly seen as a commercial product to be bought and sold like any other commodity. Higher education commercialization has now reached the global marketplace. According to the American Heritage dictionary, the term "EDUCATION" is defined as the knowledge or skill obtained or developed by a learning process (Answers.com). The World Trade Organization (WTO) is considering a series of proposals to include higher education as one of its concerns, ensuring that the import and export of higher education be subject to the complex rules and legal arrangements of the WTO protocols and free of most restrictions. The demand for higher education, on the one side, is growing, while on the other side, trans-border education is increasing. The capacity of the public sector has not kept up with this demand. This coupled with the recent developments of ICTs and the ensuing growth in online learning has resulted in the creation of this very lucrative market. Though higher education has a higher calling, it will not be able to compete successfully for necessary resources unless its rules comply with those established by the World Trade Organization (UNESCO) . ... Let us take a quick look at the history and evolution of education to understand it from various perspectives. Going back to the world's ancient civilizations of Egypt, China, Mesopotamia and Indo-Harappan civilizations, it's amply clear that the knowledgeable and the wise ones of the society were looked up to "educate" others. Coming a little closer to out times, I'm sure we can talk of various philosophers like Socrates, Plato, Seneca, Archimedes etc, who are even today acknowledged as some of the world's greatest thinkers and to make a point were in demand to "educate." At that point there was, strictly speaking, no concept of standardization. Education, especially the primary education has spin offs and major economic, social and financial implications on the society. Some of the economists have gone to the extent of linking primary education with the growth of a country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Economics of Higher Education, 2003). Furthermore, education plays a very critical role in not only shaping an individual's capabilities and competence but also has spin - offs on nations. On inspection of history, one can also fairly conclude that economic growth has happened around the seats of education. Also there was great social differentiation between the educated and the not educated (UNESCO). Massing of wealth by the educated and the depreciation of values, later on, has lead to many social revolts, which is a different story and line of pursuit. By the end of the 19th century, all nations globally had recognized and set up some systems of education essentially aiming at long term growth prospects for themselves ( UNESCO). The burgeoning needs for education driven by governmental support, spurn the parental

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Role Of Media Selection In Effective Advertising Media Essay

Role Of Media Selection In Effective Advertising Media Essay This study will describe the consideration for effective advertising about the media selecting process. Main objectives of this paper are, to determine the relationship between advertising and role of media selection; to set up the foundation for checking the effective advertising and media performance for the promotion of consumer product; to assist the corporate sector and media agencies to select that media for the advertising of their products and services which is most effective and approachable. There is no sufficient research or literature review are available on role of media selection in successful advertising, as a result this research contributes a lot in that area and will show that carefully selected media can make advertising more effective. Keywords-consumer, media selection, promotion Introduction Advertising is a form of communication used to influence individuals to purchase products or services. It communicates a message that includes the name of the product or service and how that product or service could potentially benefit the consumer. Advertising often attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume a particular brand of product or service. Firstly a consumer product is generally any tangible personal property for sale and that is used for personal, family, or household for non-business purposes. The determination whether a good is a consumer product requires a factual finding, on a case-by-case basis (Walter Thompson, Keith Mc Arthur (2005) [2]. For advertising effectiveness different media are used to convey their messages for consumer product like print, online, electronic and outdoor media. For advertising effectiveness different media are used to convey their messages for consumer product like print, online, electronic and outdoor media. Secondl y the selection of media according to the target audience is really important for sale and promotion of particular product, because wrong media selection for product cannot convey their core message to the consumers. Online, print and outdoor media are mostly used in cities. On the other hand electronic media used in both villages and cities but specially radio used in rural areas. For the effective advertising, one should choose the media very carefully so message can be easily convey to their target and desire consumer segment in useful and efficient manner after that their advertising become fruitful. As a result in this way our adverting tools become more result oriented and successful. Hence, purpose of this study will be, develop a questionnaire on the variables which were defined above to calculate and checked the media participation in effective advertising. Main question that will be discussed and solved here through analysis is: Does advertising effectiveness depend on intelligent media selection? Literature Latre (2007) explored how the changing role of advertising in marketing is altering the behavior of advertisers and its implications for advertising-supported media. Advertisers are struggling to understand changes in audience media use and to changes in attention paid to commercial messages [1]. Television has increased slightly because of deregulation of the broadcasting markets or increase in cable and satellite expenditures. Radio and outdoor remain stable with a tendency to improve, and internet has emerged as a significant player, confirming the trends apparent in the largest markets. Numberger and Schwaiger (2005) determined compared advertising effectiveness of cross media selection with pure internet and print advertising. Findings suggest that while a combination of internet and print advertising is more effective than only internet advertising with regard to brand attitude, no differences could be confirmed between advertising effectiveness of media combination and print. They founded that the knowledge about internet and cross-media advertising effectiveness. These topics are of interest both for scholars and practitioners, as the internets possibilities are not unequivocally considered and are still developing. Currium and Shoemaker (2005) researched several textbooks, journal articles, and advertising practitioners that indicated the advertising for many products should be directed toward the heavy users of the product category. They suggested that advertising should be directed at current users of a brand to retain them or to users of competitive brands in an effort to attract them. Data Methodology The theoretical framework that can be derived from discussions could be drawn as: Our dependent variable is advertising effectiveness for consumer product that is dependent on the four types of advertising forms given here, also the effective utilization of media are acting as moderating variable which strengthens or weakens the relation of rest of the two variables. Data about advertising effectiveness was collected through these four variables and questionnaire survey was conducted as this method is the vastly used by social science, management, and HRM researchers. Questionnaire survey data can provide useful statistics to the researcher, which can be used to describe how things are and why the phenomena occur (Lewin, 2005). Descriptive statistics can be used to describe and summaries data and include measures of central tendency (average) and dispersion (the spread of data or how close each other is to the measure of central tendency) (Lewin, 2005). Therefore, by using this method it is very easy to quantify the answers to questions, compare and contrast the responses to look for the relationship between variables and enables the generalization of responses. This study has used a self-completion questionnaire also known as self-administered questionnaire. The population of this study was general public and for this sample size of 25 was used. In order to get the overall summary of variable descriptive statistics will be used; moreover correlation will be calculated to find the relationship among different variables. It also shows the direction of relationship between two variables. Analysis Following are the results that are analyzed with the help of SPSS software through the data gathered from questionnaire. Table above is showing the descriptive statistics that depicts the overall picture of all the five variables. There are 5 responses that lead to the options (strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, and strongly agree). Number of observations of each variable is 25. The above table shows the mean, minimum, maximum and std. deviation values respectively. Mean value calculated provides the idea about the central tendency of the values for a variable. For example if we observe the above output to appraise the average response rate or the respondent then we come to know the mean of different variables advertising effectiveness (mean: 3.86), print media (mean: 3.76), online media (mean: 3.72) electronic media (3.71) and outdoor media (mean: 46) respectively. Here we see that for all variables the average response rate of responded are lie within the option 3-4 (3 is for Neutral and 4 is for agree). The minimum option that is ticked by respondents is 3 and the maximum option that is ti cked by respondents is 4. Standard deviation gives the idea about the distribution of the values of a variable from its mean value. So, the value of Standard deviation (S.D.843) which is the high value as compare to other variables values. This shows that most of the respondent answers were not same for the variable and obviously they dont have consistency in their answers. Through correlation its easy to verify the mutual relationship among variables. Table represents the table of correlations. Where all variables print, online, electronic and outdoor media are positively correlated to advertising effectiveness (r = .138, p = .150, r = .150, p = .119, r= .040, p = .680, and r = .031, p = .746) respectively. The magnitudes of the above discussed correlations are greater than 0.30 in the absolute terms (PM, OLM and EM) which shows the moderate correlations between the said pairs of the variables but the correlation of outdoor media (ODM) is lesser than 0.30 in absolute terms, which shows the weak correlation between advertising effectiveness and outdoor media. All the above correlations are statistically significant at less than five percent level of significant. In the case of these correlations the null hypothesis of no correlation are rejected as the P-values are lesser than 0.05. Here also noted that if 100% change in advertising effectiveness then 40%, 30%, 47% and 19% change in advertising effectiveness due to print, online, electronic and outdoor media and 60%, 70%, 53% and 81% due to separately. Results The main objective of our study is to examine the role of media selection in effective advertising. Using a quantitative method that is to test the projected model in the background of Pakistan and to complete our research work has a sample size of 25 consumers and general public. The main purpose of our research report is to lead the researchers and media people which select those media carefully while advertising their consumer products. Early research has been focused on the media selection (e.g. H.C Tai (2006) Numberger and Schwaiger (2005); etc.) but very few studies have been conducted which worked on online media (e.g. Kovacheva (2008); Tsotra and Janson (2007) etc.). So there is sufficient research work is required in case of online and outdoor media in Pakistan. Through a broad literature reviews of articles that emphasis the on media in advertising effectiveness. This study also provides the relation of advertising of consumer products and print, online, electronic and fina lly outdoor media. Questionnaire was developed for data collection purpose on five variables (advertising effectiveness, print, online, electronic and outdoor media). This study is likely to contribute to the literature by examining the role of media selection in effective advertising. Through this research report advertising agencies and companies can take better decision in marketing of their products and services on the other hand through general public opinions in questioner it is know that on which kind of media the consumer have more trust. In this study no sufficient relevant material was found to this topic in Asia specially Pakistan this means that decision makers in Pakistan are trying to improve advertising effectiveness without any proper analysis and market research. Descriptive analysis used to describe the data by using descriptive summary. Inferential analysis used to describe the relation between variables by checking the acceptance or rejection of hypothesis and to see the nature of relationship between variables. In inferential portion the study tested the relationship between advertising effectiveness (AE), print media (PM), online media (OL), electronic media (EM) and outdoor (OD). The descriptive analysis and correlations has been used for analysis purpose. The advertising effectiveness has been used as dependent variable as the representative of advertisement. The study found a relationship between AE and print media (PM), online media (OL), electronic media (EM) and outdoor (OD). The AE is positively related to all independent media and all the variables are statistically significant. The correlation between AE and print media (PM), online media (OL), electronic media (EM) is significant but the strength between both of the variables is moderate which shows that both variables have impact on each others. But (ODM) does have weak effect on advertising effectiveness. Limitations These findings shows that there were be lots of other factors that play role in enhancing advertising effectiveness but our variables have only 35 percent out of 100 which is very little although these studies only see the role of media selection in effective advertising so far in future studies it would be useful to include some other variables in the analysis as Advertising agencies and marketing policies etc may advances the value of the coefficient of determination? In spite of the contributions of the study, several factors may limit the value of the findings expected from the study. First, this study is limited to the advertising sector , thus the results may not be valid in other industries secondly this study is also limited to single job of media center selected because it represents a main job in advertisement of consumer product and is critical to the success of any product. Conclusion This study describes the facts of advertising effectiveness in a number of ways. It is found that if companies select print, online and electronic media for their consumer product advertising they can get better results because these Medias have positive relation with advertising effectiveness. But in case of outdoor media there is a lot of work is required to improve it because it have weak relation with advertising effectiveness so media agencies should use this medium in some effective ways in order to advertise their products through outdoor media and make it successful medium for advertising .This finding Concurs with the hypothesis that choosing first three media companies can get better result and choosing outdoor media have less effective results. Different medias have been studied to see the advertisement effectiveness and hence it is recommended on solid grounds that to choose electronic, online and outdoor media for their consumer product advertising in urban areas because people of cities have not enough time to read ads in magazines and newspapers on the other hand in rural areas where electronic media Like radio is the most effective medium of advertising. In the last, advertisers should use those methods of advertising which is according to knowledge, skills and abilities of their target customers.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Work Related stress Essays -- essays research papers

Fifty percent of workers have suffered some form of stress at work in a 12-month period. The statistics in healthcare professions were even higher. Stress in the workplace is becoming a major concern for employers, managers and government agencies, meaning the Occupational Health and Safety legislations are requiring employers to practice a ‘duty of care’ by providing employees with safe working environments which also cover the psychological well-being of their staff. One of the costs, for employers, of work place stress is absenteeism. Other negative effects are reductions in productivity, reduced profits, accidents, high rates of sickness, increased workers’ comp. claims and high staff turnover, requiring recruiting and training of replacement staff. Now of course it is natural to have a certain amount of stress, this is needed to motivate people into action, but prolonged stress can have a huge impact on overall health which actually causes one to be in distress. Most people don’t realize it but over two- thirds of doctors visits are probably due to stress-related illnesses. Stress has been linked to headaches especially migraines, backaches, insomnia, cramps, elevated blood pressure, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and lowered resistance to infection. For women, stress is a key factor in hormonal imbalances resulting in menstrual irregularities, PMS, fibroids, endometriosis and fertility problems. Stress can also be a factor in the development of almost all state...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

This Room And Love After Love Comparison

Imtiaz Dharker's ‘This Room' is written to create an impression of seeking ‘freedom', where her room is ‘breaking out' and seeking ‘space, light and empty air'. In this poem dharker describes the room as going wild, with everything in it trying to escape to ‘freedom'. On the other hand, Derek Walcott's poem of ‘Love After Love' is telling us how to love our selves after ending a relationship or better how to love yourself before loving another. Walcott uses words such as elation and smile to show that his poem is all about learning, accepting and celebrating who you are. Dharker personifies the bed as ‘lifting out of its nightmares'. This shows that all negativity is being left behind, as chairs move out their usual ‘dark corners'. Alliteration and metaphors are also used to create an image and convey a sense of freedom as the chairs ‘crash through clouds'. In love after love, Walcott shows that learning to love yourself will not come immediately, but ‘the time will come'. He emphasizes that there is joy involved, as he says that it will be with ‘elation' as you ‘greet yourself' as you look at yourself in the mirror. The first stanza ends with the idea that you will smile at your self. Dharker's stanza three of ‘this room' goes on to carry the theme of celebration of the fact that life can be unpredictable. A description of the sounds and movements of the kitchen equipment that ‘bang together in celebration, clang' and eventually ‘fly' past the fan, they look to be following the chairs and bed upwards. The onomatopoeia also enhances the sound effects of the poem. In love after love, Walcott says ‘again the stranger who was yourself', conveys the idea that the person you use to be is like a stranger now. Walcott also uses religious diction, where he uses short imperative sentences, ‘give wine, give bread'. The religious words give a formal and caring tone to the poem. In ‘This Room', ‘no one is looking for the door' at the end of stanza three; this could either mean no one wants to leave this place because there is now a sense of celebration there or it could mean that, no one wants to use the easy way out, they want to have the feeling of expanding and growing, moving skywards and forward in life. ‘Love after love' is a poem that represents the internal thoughts of the writer. Walcott uses the phrase ‘peel your own images from the mirror'; here Walcott emphasizes that you're past, ‘all your life, whom you ignored' has value and helps for you to realise the importance of being comfortable and happy with who you are, accepting who you are. In ‘This Room', the 1st person is not used until the fourth stanza, ‘I'm wondering where I've left my feet'. Again emphasizing the point that that the atmosphere was exciting. The structure of the poem is not straightforward it is written in free verse although; Dharker uses enjambment to connect the fourth and fifth stanza witch is one line which emphasizes the ‘space' and ‘freedom'. ‘My hands are outside clapping', once again the writer emphasizes the idea of celebration. In love after love, Walcott uses enjambment to link one stanza with the next. In the third stanza he uses the imperative ‘take down the love letters from the book shelf'; the idea leads into the last stanza that continues with the ‘photographs, the desperate notes' which you should also take down. ‘Peel your own images from the mirror' and ‘Feast on your life'. Instead of reminding your self of your previous relationships and pictures of previous partners, Walcott wants us to look at our own life and appreciate who we are. In conclusion both poems have similar themes. The celebration of personal growth and expansion, accepting and being comfortable with who you are, are the key themes of the poems. Freedom is the most important thing and we should make the most of it in our lives. Both poems stress that the past should be left behind for example ‘lifting out of its nightmares' and ‘take down the love letters from the book shelf'. ‘This Room' is a metaphor for life' and ‘Love After Love' is about appreciating life. We should grow and think forwards.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Brida by Paulo Coelho Evaluation

1. ABSENTATION: As an introduction of the lead character, Brida came to the mountain in search for the Magus. There, she asked him to be his teacher. He then approved of it and made her sit down at the top of the mountain and leave her there to test whether she can overcome her fears. 2. INTERDICTION: Upon her search for the Magus, she traveled for over 90 miles, when she came to the village and asked the people, they warned her that the Magus had already tried to seduce one of the village girls. 3. VIOLATION of INTERDICTION: Though having been warned by the village people, Brida still continued on her journey to find Magus.She is eager to learn magic. 4. RECONNAISSANCE: She went in search for the Magus. 5. DELIVERY: Brida found out that he is a Teacher of the Tradition of the Sun, and that there are two traditions, the Tradition of the Sun and the Tradition of the Moon. When one masters a tradition, he/she shall teach the other tradition. And in order to learn, one must be completel y honest. 6. TRICKERY: It is Brida’s mind playing tricks on her, it is her mind that makes her imagine things, hindering her from going into the bridge and seeing the invisible world. Her mind is preventing her from completing the Magus’ first lesson. 7.COMPLICITY: Since Brida had courses in schools, she is having a hard time trying to let go. She limits herself to what she knew from school, that’s why she had a hard time doing her tasks. 8. VILLAINY or LACK: Brida is the protagonist and at the same time, antagonist of this story. When she went to Wicca, a Teacher of the Tradition of the Moon, what she learned in school about tarot cards was given confusion. Wicca’s ways was far different from what she was taught. When Wicca told her to spend an hour of her choosing to lay down the tarot cards and just let them show her what she needs to know at the moment, she was at irst, excited. But when she noticed that it was only her imagination working and not mag ic. She doesn’t know now which to trust, Wicca’s words or the lessons in school. She was torn. 9. MEDIATION: Brida, now going against all her normal habits, decides to smoke cigarette before breakfast. She has given up with her tarot card reading. She felt crying after each time she does the reading. She felt vulnerable and alone and had a sense that a great opportunity is slipping through her fingers. She thinks she had failed. 10. BEGINNING COUNTER-ACTION: Brida phoned Wicca, telling her that she can’t come to her next appointment.She doesn’t know that Wicca already know that. Wicca used the phone call to make Brida spread the Tarot cards. The Tarot cards revealed themselves to Brida. 11. DEPARTURE: Brida came to Wicca, to go into the bridge and see the invisible world. 12. FIRST FUNCTION OF THE DONOR: Wicca made her close her eyes, imagine things, made her enter a library in which she found a book. She then found out that in her past life, she was a so ldier’s wife, Loni. And those voices have been with her since she was born. 13. HERO'S REACTION: Brida then forced herself to work, to avoid thinking, to avoid her thoughts about the Magus and Wicca, of her past life.She wanted to escape. 14. RECEIPT OF A MAGICAL AGENT: After her time travel into her past life, she now accepts that she may be or can be a witch, like what Wicca told her. She had accepted that the power is within her all along; she only had to let it out, to embrace it. Like what her past lives had done. 15. GUIDANCE: Brida’s boyfriend, Lerons, even if he really can’t believe what Brida was saying is possible; he still thinks it is true. He even compared Brida’s story with the composition of an atom, telling her that even scientists have encountered situations like such. 16.STRUGGLE: Brida was fighting her true calling, to be a witch. She has a fear of committing herself. Though her travel to her past life showed her who she really was and knew that it comes to her naturally, it also brought upon her the fear of committing herself to such beliefs. 17. BRANDING: Brida, is now wearing, though it was invisible, one of the Four Rings of Revelation, the Witch. 18. VICTORY: Brida now is able to walk into the bridge. She has resolved the tricks her mind played on her. She have been writing down all that Wicca taught her in the book of shadows. She also had found her Soulmate, the Magus. 19.LIQUIDATION: Magus showed her the way into the Two Traditions, the Tradition of the Sun and the Tradition of the Moon. He showed Brida how grateful he is that he found Brida and that Brida had recognized him as her Soulmate. They traveled through space and time. Brida saw meadows full of flowers, animals she had inly read in books, mysterious castles and cities that seemed to float on clouds of light. 20. RETURN: Brida didn’t know whether to feel disappointed or relieved, but they have to part. They just confessed their love for eac h other. It was hard to leave your soulmate once you’d found them. Brida went back to Dublin.